My name is MaiLynn Marie Stormon-Trinh. It’s a hearty, unusual name that many people forget or misspeak.
I was born and raised in Reno, Nevada to a Vietnamese father and Caucasian mother of Norwegian descent. In this way, my name represents me, my history and my ancestors better than most other names.
At the beginning of 2013, I decided to quit my job, leave my “new” home in Wellington, New Zealand and travel to Vietnam for three months to try to figure out to the history of my name, particularly the Vietnamese part of it. I wanted to learn the country as my father knew it, to meet the people who I shared blood ties with. Tiger Bomb Tales was born from this adventure.
I am back in New Zealand now with more to say and write than ever before.
This isn’t a travel blog, per se. Although, where I am in the world at any given moment has always been a significant character in my continuing story. More appropriately, this blog is about my musings on my place as a twenty-nine year old woman, a Hapa, a daughter, a wanderlust, a person who struggles to define who I am in a world full of so much good and so much bad.

If you’d like to, you can contact me here:
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